The Maid
For decades, migrant workers in Lebanon have become victims of systematic racism under the legal Kafala sponsorship. This gives private citizens total control over migrant workers’ employment and immigration status, and more often than not, corrupt sponsorship agencies encourage the confiscation of identification documents, and having workers locked inside employer's houses. Many have fallen victims to brutal crimes and daily harassments that continue to go unnoticed.
This project was made possible following a class brief aiming at animating a campaign for a local NGO of our choice. I had the pleasure to collaborate with the Anti-Racism Movement and the Migrant Community Center in Beirut.
Kindly donate and find more resources on the NGO's page.
Voice Over Actor Tiffany Murr

Conceptualized and delivered in Fadi Baki's Advanced Motion Graphics class at the American University of Beirut's BFA program.
Watch with English subtitles here.
Thank you.

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