The Astounding Eyes of Rita
عيون ريتا المذهلة
عيون ريتا المذهلة
Reimagined promotional art for Anouar Brahem's 9th studio album. Released in 2009, The Astounding Eyes of Rita captures Tunisian folk while introducing Arabic maqam to contemporary jazz.
Conceptualized and delivered in Reza Abedini and Maya Saikali's Poster Design class at the American University of Beirut's BFA program.

These textures are the result of experimenting with Japanese Suminagashi. The handmade marbled shapes covered varied forms of foam surfaces and were later abstracted digitally to render visuals that seem to slowly move with Brahem's oud tremolos.

Each blend of ink uniquely expands over different surfaces and altered handling. For that, these textures make way to interact design and typography in a way that celebrates the cracks and curves.
Instead of obstructing these shapes, they dictate how typography will interact with their unique traits. For the poster design, thin ligament-like threads protrude themselves through the digital renders. On the CD, a reaction in the mixture highlights the holes that equally puncture the typographic addition. Lastly, the continuous metamorphosis on the album artwork rips through the letters allowing to break a part the traditional kashida and be absorbed by the ink within the composition.

Thank you.